
3 ways Interns Can Benefit your Startup

Julian Tiongson | November 25, 2015


In the San Francisco Bay Area region, there are thousands of startup companies who are looking to grow their business and distinguish themselves from the competition. Here are a few reasons why hiring an intern can benefit your startup.

Entering the real world is a very scary thing for many college students. It’s tough because many businesses don’t hire kids due to lack of experience, but how are they supposed to gain experience if no one is willing to give them a chance? That’s where hiring an intern comes into play. Startups are the perfect fit for those trying to gain experience and boost their résumé.

The Power of Social Media

Millennials love social media! As a college student myself, I have Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, as do most of my friends. We simply use it to interact with one another and share what is going on in our lives, get updates on news, and even what events are going on. An article by the American Press Institute stated:  

“88 percent of those surveyed get news from Facebook at least occasionally, 83 percent from YouTube, and 50 percent from Instagram.”

Social Media has become the newspaper for Millennials. Hiring an intern to integrate and market your company through various social media channels would help to improve your SEO (search engine optimization) and drive more traffic to your business. It’s a win for both sides as students are frequently on social media.

Keeping costs to a minimum

With a startup, not much profit happens at the beginning and founders cannot necessarily afford to throw big money at every position in the company. Interns can potentially be the gateway to establishing the right employees for your business. College students or recent graduates are desperate for jobs with the pressure of being an adult and student loans creeping up on them. Many of us are just looking to gain experience even if we aren’t paid very well or paid at all. We care more about the experience that is gained and opportunity for it to open new doors in the future. While most of us have the goal to acquire a high income to live comfortably, we all have to start somewhere.

Students and fresh grads are motivated

We didn’t spend tens of thousands of dollars for no reason. Most of us are coming out of school with 5-6 figures in debt hanging over our heads and want to get rid of that as soon as possible. Interns hold a particular drive to make a name for themselves that separates them for the rest. As college students, many of us have yet to really accomplish anything in the real world and are hungry to do so. Whatever projects are available or tasks need to be done, interns are ready for it.

Tens of thousands of college students provide plenty of opportunity for startups to find the right fit for their business. Interns may just surprise you with how much knowledge and skills they can bring to the table. Competition runs deep for both sides and bringing on an intern could be just what your business needs.

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