
Unlock limitless innovation:
MVP in 8-12 weeks

Build and release your MVP web applications without extensive developer resources

Secure Production environments that easily integrate into any existing or future systems, automatically scaling MVP's as your vision evolves.

Powered by platformOS

Arabi Shopix

Arabi Shopix helps SMEs build websites to facilitate their expansion into e-commerce with E2E services - from billing to shipping. Each site can be independent and every owner can take over the code and customize it with Liquid templating language to provide desired features for specific user base.

Arabi Shopix was awarded with "Top Innovations in Finance - SME" for 2023

Departament of Buildings

Multi-sided digital marketplace where property developers can book an inspector in minutes, receive quotes, and pay in one motion.

The platform has substantially shortened inspection times from 3 weeks to 3 days resulting in significant savings for building developers, and is a new source of revenue for the Department of Buildings and 3rd party inspection agencies.


All-in-One community portal for Intel developers around the globe; the place to find the world’s best independent Intel developers, sharing their engineering projects.

With Activity Streams 2.0 any use case can be easily implemented without impact to performance.

When building your high complexity MVP, you could use custom development, low-code solutions or boxed SaaS products.

All have issues. And all can be expensive.

platformOS is here:
the Application Development Platform that
grows alongside your goals

Focus on innovation - we'll manage everything else

Here’s how it works

Discover Deliver only desired features

Define what your users really need with our MVP Discovery blueprint and experienced facilitators!

Starting from vision and user research, we will help you define the value your product brings to the market, necessary features for initial launch, a target design, scope & release plan.

Your MVP application will be released in just weeks!

Optimize Focus on business logic and design

We have created an abstraction layer for the most commonly-used software components, allowing your developers to focus on the business logic instead of battling complex configuration and maintenance.

Our tools and development practices can be easily shared between multiple teams, allowing for consistency, efficiency and easier management of your MVP portfolio.

Thanks to these abstractions, you can fully focus on the business logic and benefit from the value of rapid MVP execution. We take care of runtime, performance, and security, so you don’t need expensive DEVSECOPS engineering resources!

Customize You own the code

No SaaS licence costs, no inflexible out-of-the-box applications. You customize to fit your company's needs. No risk in custom development, because we give you a Platform and tools to build any web application.

Get direct access to each module’s source code so you can tailor every part of the build as you scale and fully own your data and Intellectual Property.

When scaling a successful MVP, offer your clients peace of mind that they can choose to use their dev teams and take control of the application, enhancing it on their timeline.

Let’s bring your projects to life. Today.

Request a demo

Trusted by companies and venture studios, with products like:


Digital Platforms

Success stories from leading global companies

More Case Studies
  • #community
  • #people

Intel DevMesh

Intel commissioned platformOS to build their own Linkedin + Facebook-esque experience. DevMesh became their All-in-One community portal for Intel developers

  • #product (digital)
  • #global community portal


  • #stand alone saas solution
