5 Bad Habits You Must Quit to Become More Successful
Julian Tiongson | April 12, 2017

Time is money is what people say right? Well it is true especially if you are in the process of building your marketplace. Money is going out but may not be coming back at the moment. As you are looking ways to save time or money, you must first look at yourself. Are you guilty of hurting yourself with these 5 bad habits? Check them out now to help you become more successful.
1. Blocking out your schedule
Schedule accordingly. Don’t fill your calendar up every second of the day with something. What happens if encounter an emergency? Everything will get pushed back and you will hate everything until you are eventually caught up. Leave time for things that may pop up such as an important sales call or meeting with your team. Manage your time wisely and don’t put too much emphasis on your calendar that you are stressing every minute of the day. Look to your calendar more as a guide than a to-do list.
If something does not get done that day, simply move it over to the next and go from there. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Always start your day off with a nice breakfast to jumpstart your morning!
2. Trying to do it all
Let’s face the facts, we are only human. Many people try to do multiple things and more so attempt to be successful at it. Identify your niche at stick with it. Don’t try to be in multiple markets or else you will fall short. Concentrate on one thing at a time and set your goals. Once you have a better direction and accomplish those goals, then you redirect your focus on another project.
Now that you have completed your initial goal, create new ones. Stay hungry and go after what you want next. Having an accomplishment under your belt will help give you the experience and confidence to tackle the next one. Whether it is creating a new business or wanting to take a step back to enjoy life a bit. Who knows what your next venture will be.
3. Looking for perfection
Are you a perfectionist? If you are, then you have no business becoming an entrepreneur. Nothing will be ever perfect, especially in the world we live in. Things are constantly changing and technology is evolving. While I am not saying don’t strive for perfection, but keep in mind it will never be 100%. Aim for something more realistic such as 90% while there will always be 10% room for improvement.
As you continue to develop and tweak your marketplace, you will notice changes that will need to be made. That is normal with anything. One day it will be great while another day it may have you thinking, “What was I thinking releasing this?”. It’s all apart of human nature and our road to success.
4. Saving time by skipping breaks
While you may have filled out your calendar, be sure to leave time slots for eating and taking breaks. Don’t over work yourself to the point of it ruining your health. You will be put back even more if something were to happen. Take care of your body and get the right nutrients to help stay healthy.
Many people do not believe in taking breaks as it is a “waste of time”. Personally, I strongly advocate for taking breaks and getting yourself away from your workload to help clear your mind. Even 5-10 minutes here and there can make a huge difference in your productivity levels. Some people would rather work non-stop for hours then take their breaks at the end of the day while others like to work in moderation throughout the day. However you decide to work, just remember to give yourself and more importantly your mind a break once a while.
5. Opting not to reward yourself
Growing parents taught us responsibility by doing chores or helping around the house but what was the real reason why we did it? Sure they may have been assigned by your parents but what did we get out of it? We were rewarded for our doing by getting an allowance, new toys, or being brought out for dinner to our favorite restaurant. This reward system has been instilled into our brains ever since we were kids.
So how does that translate to us today? It’s simple, keep rewarding yourself. Whether it’s buying yourself a new gadget or buying your favorite candy bar after a long day. These little things give yourself something to look forward to. If we don’t have anything to look forward to then what will keep us going? The answer is that you will be burned out and disappointed by going through the motions. Sure you may look forward to your paycheck but spoil yourself once in awhile. You will see a big difference in your work performance when you do.
I admit that I guilty of a few of these bad habits as it is just part of human nature. The first step to you taking control of these are to admit where you fall. Understand that you are acknowledging and looking to make the change can be a huge benefit in the long run.
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