
5 Tips for Reaching Instagram Stardom

Sylvia Sommer | September 16, 2016

5 Tips for Reaching Instagram Stardom


Are you interested in having more people notice you on Instagram? The brands that have mastered this social media tool are reaching a wider audience than with Facebook and Twitter alone. In an article for Social Media Examiner, Zach Kitschke @zachkitschke gives us 5 tips on how to gain the most followers.

What’s the Big Deal About Instagram?

Instagram is more than a personal app to share your pictures. A study by Forrester reveals that “Instagram posts receive 58 times more engagement per follower than Facebook and 120 times more engagement than Twitter.”

Pictures have a way of getting people’s attention more than anything else. Let’s find out how Instagram can help you harness the power of pictures to boost your brand’s image.

#1: Highlight User-Generated Content

Instead of highlighting your company, turn the spotlight towards your user. People love to be noticed and will surely tell their friends about it too.

Take a look at GoPro’s Instagram account to see how well they apply this strategy. Stand up paddleboarders balancing on a blue ocean; a dirt biker’s shoe as he tilts on the ground and into the camera lens. These pictures are great at promoting the brand’s philosophy of getting out there and sharing your experiences.

#2: Keep your Online Personality Intact

Whether you are on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, it’s important to maintain a consistent presence. Your logo and online personality should remain the same on every channel. To help people recognize you, use your logo as your Instagram photo and your company name for the title.

#3: Use Hashtags for Listening and Reach

Hashtags are pretty standard on every social media, including Instagram. Hashtags help you keep track of mentions, serve to promote your brand and products and connect with people in various communities. If you want to reach a large audience, find out what the popular hashtags are and use hashtags related to your industry.

#4: Show Off Your Talents

What makes your company stand out from the rest? Use Instagram to post pictures showing this in creative ways. Kitschke recommends the following “The picture doesn’t have to be flashy or market-y, it only has to be interesting to your audience.”

#5: Combine Your Social Channels

Although Instagram is a great social media tool, it isn’t the only one. You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, especially if your traffic comes from other channels. The best bet is to integrate your social media strategy across platforms. Cross-promote accounts by using your main social media channel to attract new Instagram followers, or you can ask your Instagram followers to check out your other profiles.  

A picture’s worth a million words, so if you maintain a consistent image, integrate your social media channels and show off your users you can be the next Instagram star!

Read source article here

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