
5 Tips For Your First Business

Melanie Li | January 23, 2017

5 Tips For Your First Business

Being a first time business owner or sprouting entrepreneur gives comes with many lessons to learn on the path to success. You find that there are so many details to consider, you want to open an online store you need to figure out the cost, the design, the perfect timeline, etc… All of these decisions umbrella dozens of others. If you have an idea for a business, check this out!

With all these choices to make your head may be jumbled with a flurry of tasks that need to be completed. Here are five tips to help your growing business run smoothly:

Use your team

Since you started the process of building your empire you have probably put together a great team of creative and hard working people, each with a different set of skills to contribute. At first it may be hard to delegate tasks but remember, you hand picked each individual for a reason. This is a well-oiled machine that you have built, work with them! Instead of following every move opt for weekly updates in order to track progress.

If your team a a group of strangers, start off with a company outing. Let everyone get to know each other in a more comfortable setting. This will help with the fluidity and chemistry within the team!

Have Consistent Meetings

Set up a time for everyone to meet in person to go over the projects at hand. It’s good to get other teams involved, the more minds the more ideas to work with. It’s motivating for everyone to see how everything is coming along.

Having a face-to-face interaction where people are bouncing and building ideas from one another is an amazing way to foster growth. For instance, updates from the sales team will help the marketing and customer support team fine tune their strategy.

Stay Organized

A growing business has an endless list of tasks to complete. Staying on top of everything is how you are going to make things run smoothly. This is easier said than done when you’re caught in the whirlwind of emails and papers and meetings.

Have a master calendar so everyone can update and know when all events are occurring. As a business owner you must keep track of all projects. Something as easy as setting an alarm on your phone, voila you’ve got yourself a personal assistant in your pocket.

Keep a clean office, it breeds productivity.


Most importantly you must have trust in your team, in your business and in yourself. Know that the people working for you want to succeed as much as you do. Trusting others takes a load off of yourself and gives you a clearer mind to run a company.


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