
6 Qualities of Great Entrepreneurs

Sylvia Sommer | November 18, 2015

6 Qualities of Great Entrepreneurs


Thanks to technology, the doors of opportunity have swung open for entrepreneurs in this day and age. However, it takes more than computer skills and a million dollar idea to run your own business. In an article for Entrepreneur, Brian Hamilton presents the attributes you need to be successful.

  1. Great entrepreneurs blend vision with execution

We tend to view entrepreneurs as big dreamers, mapping out future endeavors. Although it’s true that they have vision, entrepreneurs balance it out with clear goals. Spending too much time planning can be a let down as the tide in business changes constantly.

  1. They have the ability to find backdoors

There’s no doubt that a “cult of entrepreneurs” has emerged in the world. Some even view them as sages or mystics for being able to find quick solutions and think creatively. The truth is, entrepreneurs aren’t magicians, but skilled to think creatively and find the most resourceful solutions to tough problems.

  1. They’re willing to work the long hours

Facebook went from an idea in a dorm room to a billion dollar company in a flash. Not to be a downer to entrepreneurs with big hopes, but Facebook is an exception to the rule. The rate of success is relatively low and it takes a long time to generate momentum.

  1. They can either sell or build

Good entrepreneurs tend to fall into one of two categories: those who can sell stuff and those who can build great products. To be successful at running a business, it helps to master one of these skills.

  1. They can reduce complicated data into something manageable and actionable

Even very complex business problems can be reduced to a few key components. Good entrepreneurs are able to identify these key factors and make a decision based on them. Regardless of the industry or product, they can narrow it down to 2 or 3 main points that the business depends on to succeed.

  1. They are very effective with people

In America, we tend to admire individuals who have a rebellious streak. This may be due to our founding fathers chasing after freedom and the opportunity to carve their own paths. Don’t let this misconception of a trailblazer effect the view of entrepreneurs as disgruntled loners. It’s unlikely you’ll be able to move forward in a business without basic people skills. Beyond the numbers, a business is built on the people who help run it.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to becoming a successful entrepreneur, but there are some basic attributes that make for a more promising career path. If it’s something you’ve always wanted to do, check and see if the above traits sound like you. Even if you have some of these qualities, that’s already a good start.

Read source article here

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