10 Ways to Boost your Social Media
Julian Tiongson | December 2, 2015

Social Media is the new way to market your business and by far the most convenient. A simple tweet or Facebook post goes a long way, but with proper technique, of course. In this article published by Kevan Lee @kevanlee Content Creator at @Buffer, these 10 strategies are given to help boost your social media along with saving you time.
- Acknowledge your followers
Don’t take too much time to do this, but a simple thank you for those who mention your handle or retweet your work. “Thanking Twitter users for sharing her contend led to a 1 in 4 of those thank you tweets resulting in a follow.” 25% is not too bad of a ratio in gaining followers.
- Create a Social Media schedule
Spreadsheets are your best friend. No one wants to spend multiple hours to create tweets. Organize your tweet schedule in bulk in order to save time down the road.
- Social share buttons
Social media is all about sharing! Take advantage of it and make sure your sharing features as present. Test your audience as the success rate maybe better with a floating sidebar or simply at the top of the article.
- Tweet the same content at least 6 times
Twitter moves quickly, especially if you are dealing with thousands of followers. Don’t be shy to retweet the same content on multiple occasions. Percentages drop after each tweet but it is found that tweeting content at least 6 times still gives a 67% performance rate compared to the first tweet.
- Trying too hard
Don’t be Mr. try hard. Be conscious of how you present your content or posts. According to the social effort scale, the factors that determine this are number of hashtags, percentage of capital letters, amount of emoticons, exclamation marks and punctuation. Click on the social effort scale and see where you fall in.
- Focus on quality
Quality over quantity. Just because you are gaining more followers, doesn’t mean you are getting more shares. Be sure to share or post work that aligns with what your company is trying to do.
- Take advantage of what’s happening right now
Include current events in your content such as holidays, special events or interests that are trending at the time. People love to talk about things that are happening and share what they like about it. Use this to your advantage to drive traffic for your business.
- Influential people love your content
Who are your more influential followers? Figure out who they are and highlight those users to show you are not a robot. People love to be highlighted or featured as it gives a sense of reward.
- Personalization
Be personal. Believe it or not, often time’s social media is run by automation. Customize your messages or links to test out strategies that work for your marketplace. Call-to-actions is a great tool to help share content.
- Keep tweets that work
See what works and save it. Keeping a document of all the best tweets, content or updates that were successful. If it works, then why not use it again later down the road when appropriate.
Social media trends are constantly changing but with these 10 tips, it can help put your business on the right track to market and advertise your content. If no one knows about you, how will people use you? Keep pushing with tweets, sharing content, interacting with your followers, and you’ll see a positive impact with your business.
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