

Social Media has taken over the traditional ways of marketing and is paving the way for businesses. The best parts about these are that they are all free! Check out the 3 essential social media platforms to get your marketplace going and to increase your business!

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Social Media has taken over the traditional ways of marketing and is paving the way for businesses. The best parts about these are that they are all free! Check out the 3 essential social media platforms to get your marketplace going and to increase your business!

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3 Essential Social Media Platforms for your Marketplace

Julian Tiongson | February 5, 2016

3 Essential Social Media Platforms for your Marketplace


Social Media has taken over the traditional ways of marketing and is paving the way for businesses. The best parts about these are that they are all free! Check out the 3 essential social media platforms to get your marketplace going and to increase your business!


This is a great place to simply increase your reach. Many startups and small businesses use Twitter to get their name out there and connect with others. It’s a great place to create some buzz and let people know what you are all about. Take advantage of hashtags and keywords to help increase your chances of your tweets to be seen by others. You can hashtag anything you want but keep it more general such as #marketing, #marketplace, or #sharingeconomy, which are already established Thousands of tweets are sent out with these, so it’s  helpful to connect with others who have used these exact ones before.


Although a bit more professional, a very useful place to connect with others. Many of us have the same skills or abilities, and LinkedIn does a great job to help us find those. Another great feature are groups. Many credible and knowledgeable people post in groups such as Social Media Marketing or Marketing Communication. These groups are great places to learn new strategies and even get feedback on your marketplace.


It has almost become the newspaper for the Millennials. News feeds are filled with top stories and articles from what your friends have been liking or commenting on. Creating a page for your business with images and posts can help spread the word. The more platforms and people your business reaches, the better your chances are to bring in business. Friends are your easiest connections to reach out to without having to make a phone call and bug them to like or check out your marketplace. Let your content speak for itself.

With technology being in the palm of your hands, there is no reason to not have a social media account. Business marketing has been driven through social media channels for years and is one of the best tools for your team to use.

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