5 Social Media Analytics You Should Be Tracking
Julian Tiongson | May 22, 2017

Numbers are the driving force behind many things, especially your social media presence. Analytics is one of the driving force to establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. So what exactly should I be looking for? How do I know if I am making a positive impact? Here are 5 important analytics you should be paying close attention to as you work to enhance your marketing strategy.
1. Interactions
Are you interacting with your audience? This is what most businesses and people fail to do with their social media accounts. What is the point of social media if people are not being “social”? This trend of automation has grown so rapidly and created a negative impact on social media as a whole. While scheduling tweets in advance is just fine, automating responses and interactions is a big negative.
Stay active with your audience and establish relationships. Whether it is retweeting certain users or simply chiming in on conversations on Twitter. Have strategy in place to ensure you are being active and not overlooking anything on your pages. Take Starbucks for example. They must get tens of thousands of mentions everyday on their feed but with their team they are able to respond and interact. Their brand has been built off their awesome customer service and efficiency that it has even carried over to their social media team.
Related: Make Social Media “Human” Again!
2. Clicks
Do people find your posts interesting enough to click them? Are you creating compelling titles and meta descriptions for people to click on your articles? Not just creating “click-bait” titles but actually relevant enough for your audience to click and read more. Give your readers a reason to click. What benefit do they have to open your article and continue reading? This will align with your marketing strategy as to what articles you are producing. Are you going for a more educational approach or a support based strategy?
While getting clicks and eyeballs on your articles is one of the goals, take a second to think if you are actually getting in front of the right audience. Are you publishing your articles on various social media channels? How have you built your followers to tailor to your content? By this I am referring to those who you are following as they will be following back if they find your content interesting or relevant enough. Take the time to follow those in your industry rather than just mass following everyone in hopes to make your numbers look better.
3. Visits To Your Website
Is your website link somewhere on your page? Whether it is in your bio or in your pinned post. The ultimate goal is to get traffic to your website to increase the chances of landing new customers. As you monitor your marketing strategy, this will help give you an understanding on how to restructure your content in order to get more visitors to your website.
Related: How To Increase Traffic To Your Marketplace Platform
4. Likes and Shares
Are people liking and sharing your articles? This is a good indication whether people either enjoy your work enough to share with their audience or have become a loyal follower. Either way this is good news for your analytics as it will help increase your total reach.
You can’t expect people to just like and share your content if you are not doing the same for others. It’s just like the old saying “treat others how you would like to be treated”. If you want to increase your social media presence then look into the analytics and understand where you may be lacking. Like and share posts from influencers and your followers as they will become more aware of your presence. Soon enough they will pay more attention to your accounts and return the favor.
Are you constantly growing and attracting new followers? If you have ever run a social media account from a business perspective, you understand how difficult it can be. What incentive do people have to follow your business or interact with them (unless they are used as a customer service extension). While this may not be the most important metric, it still is something to be watched.
How many followers are you gaining or losing each month? What is the ratio? Many people simply try to just gain a follow for a follow without even understanding who the person is or what they are doing. This is a huge mistake as what good comes if you have tens of thousands of followers but no real interaction going on? How much of an influence do you really have on random or bot followers?
As you continue to work on your strategy and try new things, the great thing about analytics is that it will always be there. Whether you try a new strategy or change it up, you will be able to see the data and conduct a proper analysis. What do all the numbers mean to your marketplace and how can you improve them?
If you are looking for answers to your social media strategy or have any questions, feel free to comment below or tweet us @NearMeCo! We’d love to hear from you.
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