platformOS Status Report — Nov 2, 2020
Tamas Simon | November 2, 2020

Town Hall #86: Video Chat Module by Daniel Telfer (Digital Fuel)
Watch the recording of Town Hall #86, where long time friend and partner of the platformOS team, Daniel Telfer, demonstrates his Video Chat module. Deployed in 3 mins (or less!), you can have Zoom-like video chat functionality and screen sharing, on your own domain, powered by platformOS.
The Video Chat module for platformOS provides a way to add video communications to your instances with minimal effort, offering a robust (and scalable) integration. And by keeping as much data as possible on the single infrastructure your client can more easily gain access to data insights and business intelligence.
Topics covered include:
- Module setup
- Feature summary
- Chat in action
- What’s Next
Talk: Helping Your Community Contribute to Developer Documentation — Write The Docs Prague 2020
How to encourage and help your community to contribute to your developer documentation? Watch the recording of our talk at Write The Docs Prague 2020, where we show you various — fully remote — processes platformOS developed to help community members contribute content and code to our UKTC Award-winning developer portal.
Article: Code and Content for Accessibility on the platformOS Developer Portal
We have recently finished our latest accessibility review on the platformOS Developer Portal. This article describes our approach to accessibility — we hope you can gain some insights that you can use in your own projects.
We have updated our Roadmap with issues for each planned feature. We created a GitHub task with the proper labels for each issue, allowing you to contribute, ask questions, and share your opinion. We also added instructions on how to create suggestions. The conversation has already started on all planned features. Thank you very much for your feedback!
Planned features:
- IN PROGRESS Websockets
- IN PROGRESS Routing improvements
- IN PROGRESS Full-text search for models/users
- IN PROGRESS Possibility to seed files via pos-cli, using the new CSV import
- PENDING Improving background job management
- PENDING Scheduled background jobs
- SUGGESTION Downloadable modules in Marketplace
Content production
- DEPRECATED Narrowing Keyword Search
- PLANNED Rewrite topic: Creating a User Profile
To learn more about the most recent changes, improvements and fixes in platformOS, check out our latest release note: platformOS Release Note Nov 2, 2020 — Disable automatic cascade delete, fixes
- IMPROVED do not automatically cascade destroy children models when destroying User
- FIXED issue with displaying layout when dynamic cache was enabled for Page
- FIXED issue with accessing layout metadata when using background tag in the Page
- FIXED handling wrong credentials for sending emails
- FIXED handling scenario when multiple deprecated imports were run in parallel/operations were invoked while running import
- FIXED session_create_field mutation will take immediate effect instead of after Page reload
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