
platformOS Status Report — November 22, 2021

Diana Lakatos | November 22, 2021

platformOS Status Report — November 22, 2021

platformOS wins Best Onboarding at DevPortal Awards 2021

We are excited to announce that the platformOS Developer Portal has won the Best Onboarding category at the DevPortal Awards 2021. The DevPortal Awards showcases and celebrates innovative developer portals and the teams behind them. It gives publicity and appreciation to developer portals that deliver the best solutions available today, and that push the boundaries of what are believed to be the key components of a developer portal into the future.  It’s a peer-reviewed award where jury members are invited and assigned to categories according to their expertise. 

According to the jury members, platformOS' getting started tutorials have sufficient detail to be instructive while also helping users become familiar with the products. A prominent Try Now button leads to a clear page with video instruction and well-explained options for getting started. The signup is simple and straightforward, with a well-defined user journey. Example apps allow for working in code at a variety of levels.

Watch the recording of the winner announcement and read our article about the DevPortal Awards, the Best Onboarding category in more detail, the Judges of this category, and why we won. 

We would like to thank all members of our community who contributed to our documentation providing feedback, requests, edits, new content, or participating in user experience research. We will keep revalidating and improving our documentation just like we have been doing since the beginning. It feels great to take a moment to appreciate the journey so far and get recognition for our work.

API The Docs 2021: platformOS Developer Portal Demo and Q&A

As the platformOS Developer Portal has been nominated in the Best Developer Portal for Alternatives to REST-APIs, Best Editorial Experience in a Devportal, Best Accessible Devportal, and Best Onboarding categories for the DevPortal Awards 2021, we have been invited to showcase our devportal and participate in a Q&A session at the API The Docs conference.

Watch the recording of the demo and Q&A, and read our summary. 



Content production  

We added an Awards section to the Community area of our documentation site:


To learn more about the most recent changes, improvements and fixes in platformOS, check out our latest release note: platformOS Release Note 22 November, 2021 — New xml_to_hash filter

  • NEW added xml_to_hash filter
  • IN PROGRESS background jobs improvements 

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