platformOS Status Report — September 9, 2024
Agnes Kanizsai | September 9, 2024

platformOS DocsKit
Since the latest status report, we have published several articles related to documentation and our work with DocsKit. These articles highlight our ongoing efforts to improve and share best practices in documentation, showcasing the capabilities and benefits of using DocsKit in various projects.
The Vital Role of Documentation: A Reaction to Knut Sveidqvist's Insights: Effective documentation can transform your organization by reclaiming wasted time and boosting productivity with insights from Knut Sveidqvist and practical applications using DocsKit's streamlined, customizable tools.
Ensuring Accessibility in Documentation Sites for the Washington DC Department of Buildings: One of our key priorities in documentation projects is ensuring full accessibility. Here is an overview of our approach for the Washington DC Department of Buildings.
Embracing Accessibility: Why HTML Triumphs Over PDF: Shifting from PDF to HTML reduces CO2 emissions and ensures that digital content is accessible and user-friendly. Read about the UK government's research and our experiences in this article.
DocsKit Landing Page Content Collector Surpasses 1,000 Copies: We are happy to share that our DocsKit Landing Page Content Collector has surpassed 1,000 copies in the Figma community!
The State of Developer Experience in 2024: The Role of Documentation: The State of Developer Experience Report 2024 by Atlassian provides a comprehensive look into the evolving landscape of developer experience, highlighting the critical role it plays in developer satisfaction, productivity, and retention. This article explores the report's findings on documentation, providing insights on how platformOS developed and uses DocsKit to address these challenges.
Update from the UX Team
Client Engagement Document: Continuous Refinement for Enhanced Client Experience
pOS's internal team has made significant progress on the Client Engagement Document, designed to enhance transparency and improve the overall client experience. This document provides clients with a clear overview of our process, guiding them step-by-step through each stage. Key sections cover the MVP Blueprint, the framework and toolset we use, and detailed descriptions of the MVP phases, including workshops, design, and planning.
We are committed to continuously refining this document to ensure it effectively meets client needs. Currently, we are conducting a retrospective, carefully assessing what is working well and identifying areas where improvements can be made. This process allows us to gather insights and ideas for making our approach more efficient and effective.
As part of this ongoing refinement, we are also identifying specific action items that will help us implement the necessary changes to enhance the document further. Our goal is to ensure that the document not only sets clear expectations but also fosters strong, trust-based relationships with our clients.
Moving forward, we will continue to iterate on this document, incorporating feedback and refining our processes to ensure that it remains a valuable resource for both our team and our clients.
platformOS Community Solution
We are excited to announce the launch of our newCommunity Solution landing page. This page showcases how platformOS enables organizations to build and manage comprehensive online communities as a complete ecosystem.
Additionally, we have published two in-depth articles to support our community-focused initiatives:
Introduction to Communities of Practice: Understanding Their Importance and Impact
Differentiating Communities of Practice from Communities of Interest
These resources offer valuable insights into community dynamics and their strategic advantages.
We continue to work on more solution-focused landing pages that will serve as central hubs for exploring our platform's full capabilities.
To learn more about the most recent updates, enhancements and fixes in platformOS, check out our latest release notes: platformOS Release Note 10 July, 2024 — Default_layout, allow liquid in layouts, GraphQL queries/mutations improvements
Page property layout now accepts liquid to dynamically determine the layout
Ability to update manually_managed from update_all mutations for views, layouts and pages
New app/config.yml option - default_layout (currently it's application) - allows to specify default layout for all pages, accepts liquid
New app/config.yml option - reject_null_geojson_coordinates - raises validation error for null GeoJSON coordinates
Attribute _index_update added to records_update_all mutations to be able to keep customizations in sync
api_call_send has a new attribute - internal, which allows to invoke API calls to itself or another instance (which is on the same stack), without being counted as an actual API call (the implementation is closer to render/function tag)
Allow nil for array compact
Edge case issues when exporting an old instance, which does not have any features_flags explicitly enabled/disabled
Rejected callback is triggered when subscription is denied in WebSockets
Increased speed/performance for large instance database exports
Upgraded internal frameworks and dependencies to the newest versions
Performance improvements for data imports (hidden behind a feature flag for now)
Fixed a bug in the deprecated customizations which under certain condition would require a manual rebuild
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