
What Can Quality Content Offer your Business?

Rebekah Dehghan | September 1, 2015


Creating content may come easy for some, and difficult for others, but narrowing down the appropriate type of content for your target market is vital in ensuring success for your business. In a recent article on by Brian Honigman (@BrianHonigman), the topic of discussion is content. How can you create a brand using content marketing? And how can you guarantee its success long term? Honigman gives us a few pointers.

The Golden Circle methodology, a framework which centralizes on three key topics: why, how, and what. Why being the purpose, how relating to the strategy, and what relating to the tactics. Determine each of these steps in relation to your business functionality and overall company mission. The results will lead to a more organized method of brainstorming potential content topics.

Make sure your product has a purpose and the marketing efforts will flow easily. The most important offering of a product is the value is has to a consumer. Once you’ve nailed down the value your product provides, you’ve earned the right to promote it.

Content also serves as a means of communicating purpose to others. When done the right way, it can show exceptional results, such as a growing audience, and an increase in social traffic. Digital marketer, Neil Patel said:

“It is very important to have purpose behind your marketing efforts. If you can market your business based on helping other companies and individuals you are much more likely to be successful compared to if you just marketed based on monetary reasons.”

Take social for example, a form of content posting. It can lead to exceptional results, but not right away, especially for small businesses. Don’t worry about a small following or inadequate social results at first. Those will come in time once you follow the right people in your industry, and become socially active on a daily basis. This includes social activities such as liking, sharing, commenting, mentioning, etc.

Always remember, if you have quality content, the value offering will speak for itself. The most important thing to remember when creating content is to make sure it's useful and intriguing to your target audience.

Build your brand, build your credibility and build your future.

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