What Social Media Tools Should I Be Using?
Julian Tiongson | June 5, 2017

One of the toughest tasks for a new marketplace is establishing credibility. Whether it’s through blogs, press releases, or podcasts it must be achieved. So how can I do it? The answer is social media and rightfully so. With the popularity of social media channels it is a must to be a piece of your marketing strategy. There are plenty of tools that can help manage your day-to-day operations and help stay organized. Here are 4 of the tools we use here at Near Me.
One of the leading social media management tools with its ability to monitor multiple networks and ease to measure your success. Hootsuite offers multiple packages to choose from, depending on your needs. The best part a free version is offered for up to 2 social accounts with limited capabilities. As your marketplace continues strive towards growth, this can help boost your Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and whatever networks you may be using.
The ability to schedule posts prior and set up your queue help makes your job much easier. Taking a few hours out of your week to schedule your tweets in advance can help your marketplace gain credibility and become a thought leader in your industry. This helps your team keep organized and more importantly stay ahead of your competition.
Related: Why Small Businesses Should Invest In Social Media Marketing
How can you determine your social influence? Klout’s designed to help businesses are users measure their influence. By selecting topics of interest, it can be a great content tool as well. With a feed that is automatically filled with the most relevant and influential twitter users to follow. This can help supplement your content marketing efforts and be used to interact with top influencers within your industry. By staying up-to-date with what they are doing and posting, you will be able to chime in on a consistent basis to help build the relationship.
This social media management tool is great for those who are avid users of Twitter and Instagram. Crowdfire has the ability to see who your non-followers, fans, recent unfollowers, and inactive following it can help keep your page fresh and up to date. If you are looking to grow your presence, try the automated direct message feature as it can help spark conversation that you can then control once users have responded. It’s important to bring the human element and establish relationships to your audience. Don’t just set an auto DM leading them to your site for clicks. Ask for meaningful insight that can help you adjust your marketing strategy.
Crowdfire does offer a free version but with limited capabilities. If you are managing multiple accounts, the Earth plan would be the best bang for your buck. You’ll be surprised how much this tool can really help your marketplace.
Related: Make Social Media “Human” Again!
Personally one of my favorite tools. Hubspot is an inbound marketing and sales platform designed to help businesses with their marketing efforts. If your marketplace is focused on establishing thought leadership, then hubspot is your tool. We at Near Me, use this as our go to tool. With great features such as the customizable dashboard analytics, ease of connecting and monitoring multiple social accounts, email campaigns, work flows, it really has it all. The best part is that it keeps track of all the marketing efforts you have performed and can even reply with all your social accounts. It really is the all-in-one tool that you need.
While this may not be all the tools you need, it certainly is a great place to start. I personally use all of these on a daily basis and it has made my job much easier. The best part is I have been able to save time using these and has allowed me to focus on bigger projects.
If you need any assistance with using these tools or looking to get more familiar, feel free to comment below with your questions! Would love to chat and even learn a few things.
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