
The Other Side of Entrepreneurship

Melanie Li | May 16, 2017

The Other Side of Entrepreneurship

The Other Side Of Entrepreneurship

As an entrepreneur it’s easy to get comfortable once you’re established. By now you understand your market, what your customers want and what the next 10 steps for your company are. While it’s easy to plan things out for your company you can not forget to work on yourself.

You as the CEO, founder, or owner of your business are the face of your brand. You are the only one who knows the values of your company and how to maintain them. With that in mind you must also move with the times when it comes to your personal life. Staying healthy in your mind, body, and soul are crucial to you maintaining a successful business. We have some things you want to pay closer attention to for keeping up with your rigorous lifestyle.

1. Don’t Stop Learning

The biggest mistake to make is to think that you know enough. There are always multiple practices and lessons that come from anything you try to learn. World class investor Warren Buffett still spends 80% of his day reading.

Even if you’re already an expert in your field, look into more case studies or budding topics and trends to know about. Learning more about your specialties will only give you a bigger gap between you and the next person but also closer to the ones ahead of you. Being stagnant with your knowledge can hinder you from progressing.

Related: 4 Questions to Ask Before Becoming An Entrepreneur

2. Know Where To Put Your Money

Making a healthy living from something you built yourself definitely feels good. In the beginning of many businesses and sadly at the end of some, people go a little overboard with their paychecks. A nice meal here and a pair of new leather shoes there are nice but you must remember to keep the future in mind.

A steady income is great but you should make sure to save at least 25% of your paycheck and invest in a SAFE fund. All these tech companies are tempting to invest in but put your retirement money in a safe account that builds slowly over time. Any extra cash you have by all means experiment with in the stock market but the 25% lump should be put away to flourish on its own.

3. Stay Healthy And Active 

Like the previous point it can be easy to indulge on the finer and more sinful attractions of life especially, if you’re a young entrepreneur. Closing a major deal over a couple glasses of cognac may seem standard but having alcohol and other inhibitors will have a long term effect on your body. Those late nights of partying take away from your recommended 8 hours and will come back to haunt you later!

Consistently exercising is also extremely important. Working out boosts confidence and the endorphins released in your body so you stay happy to help work with a clear mind. With a good workout routine, you must also remember to have a good diet: everything in moderation! Like you tell your kids to each your fruits and veggies, you should too.

4. Keep In Touch With Loved Ones

This tip is definitely one that gets overlooked by the gogetters of the business world. Your business becomes your baby and sometimes it’s the only thing that’s on your mind. You begin to cancel on nights out with your girlfriends or miss your new nephew’s third birthday and your excuse is that “there’s always a next time”. Sooner or later the invitations lesson and you’ll only have your employees and work. Don’t let that happen. Make sure you set some time to have fun. Go out and enjoy the day, get outside and don’t forget to wear sunscreen

Related: 3 Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Understand

If you’re a budding entrepreneur or someone who’s been in the game for a while hopefully some of these points resonated. Remember to take care of yourself as much as your business. They are two separate entities.


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