Tips to Increase B2B Sales Through Social Media
Julian Tiongson | January 13, 2016

Social Media has and continues to change the way we do business. Companies are starting to spend less on advertising and putting more effort into social media marketing plans. In a recent article from the Harvard Business Review by Mark Kovac , a few useful tips are highlighted to help improve your marketing strategy.
This is key to help build credibility. Create content related to your business, whether it is through images, social media, flyers or blogs. Establish yourself in the marketplace, as a knowledgeable company in the space and potential clients will see this. The more insightful and useful the content is, the more likely your business will be known.
“Content that speaks to customers’ pressing needs - such as speed to market, cost reduction, reliability, and reputation building - proves more influential than traditional advertising or a sales brochure that outlines features and functions.”
Various Channels
If you aren’t on any social media yet, you better get off now and sign up. Depending on your business, certain channels will be more useful than others. Facebook and LinkedIn are always great starters but don’t limit yourself. Explore with Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest and other channels.
“Maersk Line, the world’s largest container shipping company, started experimenting with social media several years ago and now has 1.1 million followers on Facebook and large audiences on other channels including Twitter and Pinterest.”
Be creative with your use of the various channels. Show you are not just some account that has automated posts and responses. Make your business stand out from the rest and don’t be afraid to reach out to your audiences.
Read the source here
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