
What Theme Should I Use When Building A Marketplace Platform?

Samantha M. | March 10, 2017

What Theme Should I Use When Building A Marketplace Platform?

What_Theme_Should_I_Use_When_Building_A_Marketplace_Platform?.jpgThe theme you choose for your ecommerce website is about more than visual appeal and a color scheme you like. The layout of your store is a real representation of your brand and may be the first thing a visitor notices when they come to your site. This right theme and layout can have a significant impact on your store’s performance and conversions; it can even effect the amount of trust that consumers place in your brand. Over 90% of Internet users base their trust of a website on its design, according to marketing experts at DMN News. Your theme is the place to start if you want to create a site that inspires trust and confidence.


What's your theme?

There are plenty of paid and free themes to choose from – and just picking one that looks interesting won’t help you create an ecommerce site your customers will like and trust. Consider the following points to make sure the theme you are considering is truly right for your brand.


Responsive Design

More consumers than ever before are using smartphones and mobile devices to shop. Your prospects have to be able to see your site and make purchases right from a phone or tablet; make them head to a laptop to buy and they may just go elsewhere. A theme labeled “responsive” will usually perform well on mobile devices. The words “fluid”, “CSS3” and “HTML5” can also indicate a mobile friendly theme. Test your site on your own phone to make sure it looks like you expect it to before committing to a new theme.  


Easy to Customize

A theme comes with a variety of tools that allow you to create a customized look and user experience, without having to learn how to code. Themes with only two or three color combinations may not be enough to suit your needs. Choose a theme that is fully customizable and that allows you to present your brand the way you want customers to see it.


Customer Support

If you are buying a theme, it helps to have someone to turn to if you have a question or something goes wrong. Support teams vary; some template providers offer full support, others offer almost nothing. Make sure there is enough support in place to help you if you have problems or need advice.


Update History

Check how recently and often the theme you are considering has been updated. A theme that has gone a long time between updates may not be fully ready to work. More than a year since the last update could be a sign of trouble; platforms change and your theme needs to be up to date to be truly effective.


Flexible Content Display Options

You should be able to share content however you’d like. An ecommerce theme should offer you a variety of ways to showcase your product so you can see which versions convert best. Your theme should support pictures, allow for easy zoom and detail and even support video and sharing for best results.

Once you have narrowed down your list to a few options, you can take a more in-depth look at the admin panel and options to see which one truly support your needs and help you grow your business.


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