
Everything you need
to build your next app in a single box

We handle the infrastructure and development tools
so you can focus on what’s important

Easy to learn, easy to scale Discover what the platform offers to build everything you’ve imagined — from a simple blog to a powerful digital experience

query item_search {
  records: records(
    filter: {
      table: { value: "item" }
  ) {
    results {
      title: property(name: "title")
Powerful database made simple

Fully-managed, fast, relational Postgres database built on top of open standards with easy communication thanks to GraphQL.

{% if section == 'templating' %}
  <h1>This is easy!</h1>
{% else %}
  <h1>Can be powerful.</h1>
{% endif %}
Easy templating with Liquid

Simple markup on the server to build your templates and parse data.

Successfully used by Shopify, Microsoft, GoDaddy and many more.

{% liquid
  cache 'featured_products', expire: 60
    graph featured_items = 'items/featured'

    for item in featured_items.records.results
      render 'items/card', item: item
The most developer friendly cache you've seen

Speed up your apps leveraging our partial cache mechanism

pos-cli deploy staging
Deploy your app to any number of environments

A single line command ensures your code is where you want it to be

to: ''
from: ''
subject: 'Welcome to platformOS!'
<p>Great to have you with us!</p>
Communication with your users made easy

Sending emails or text messages is a key part of making any app.
We made it easy.

{% liquid
  background job_id = 'some_heavy_code', delay: 5
Planning some heavy-lifting?

We've got your back if you need to run tasks in the background to not make your users wait.

Great development experience

Secure by default

We won't let you make any rookie mistake. The default configuration protects you from dangerous threats and attacks.

Fast storage and CDN

  • Easy uploads and quick delivery
    Easy caching mechanisms, and a quick content delivery network for your assets to be closest to your users.
  • Built-in image optimization
    We generate sizes and file type variants for images so you can use the most appropriate format.
  • Automatic healing system
    Seamless auto failover and swift issue resolution for uninterrupted system reliability.
  • Effortless autoscaling
    Built to handle all the traffic you can get, scaling up and down as needed.

We've researched the best tools for the job so you can jump into coding right away

platformOS is a complete solution for all your needs, and we are adding even more every day.

Building with a team? You can get as many development environments as you need without spending a dime

platformOS is free while you are building the product. You pay only when you decide that you want to go to Production and show what you've created to the world. You can create as many development instances (Staging, QA, etc.) as you need for all your team members without incurring costs.

Unsure if we'll fit your needs?

Doesn't matter if you're building something big and heavy or a simple webpage - we'll fit right in.
Our sales team will answer all your questions if you need more information or if you have a complex enterprise use case.

Enterprises powered by platformOS:

Contact Sales

Your next app on platformOS

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