
How to Build a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign

Melanie Li | March 29, 2017

How to Build a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign
How to Build a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign

Influencer marketing has grown in popularity over the last few years, especially with the enormous amount of users on platforms such as YouTube. It kicked off with beauty gurus being sent cosmetics to share with their subscribers. Now, many companies have caught on and a variety of channels are sent kitchen items, coupon codes and much more.

There is endless potential but when you’re partnering and offering third party users but it’s hard to really measure the effect your strategy has. How can this help the exposure of your marketplace? Murray Newlands has put together a great guide to build a dependable influencer marketing campaign.

1. Set goals
Any successful plan or campaign begins with the goal. What does your campaign want to achieve? Three things you should look at are you target audience, budget and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

KPIs are the variables that are affected by the campaign such as views, increase in followers, sales and impressions. You can utilize social media tools such as Hubspot or Google analytics to get an in depth report of your numbers.
Related: 5 Tips for Reaching Instagram Stardom

2. Determine the appropriate social media platforms

Of course every social media platform has a different ratio of demographics so choose wisely! If you’re marketplace targets women from ages 25-45 maybe Facebook or Pinterest is more suitable than say Snapchat. Utilizing both Facebook and Pinterest could be beneficial as they provide information in different ways. Facebook has more articles and videos where as Pinterest offers more infographic type posts and step-by-step tutorials.

Understand your target audience so you can take the next steps properly. If you need help identifying your target, read thisBe open minded as well. Step out of your determined target audience and you could find a new persona that fits your brand.
3. Choosing the right influencer

Selecting the perfect influencer may take some time but have patience. You want to pick someone who fits your ideal target audience in age and taste. They will assumingly be the face of your company so making sure they fit in well with you and your company’s culture.

There are several ways in which you can tell whether or not the prospect is right. Simply gazing through their social media posts can tell you a lot. Are they going out a lot, do they have the same color palette as your branding. You can also see if they have a good or bad reputation. A Youtube channel will tell you wonders because you see how they talk, move, and also their audience is more engaged than an Instagram scroller.

4. Publishing

After you have chosen your influencer its time to get into the details. Start off by building a schedule with them. If you have a product coming out, voice that it should not be shared until the discussed date. Align your social media posts together to show a genuine synergy between the two channels.

Most importantly, make sure that you are measuring your results. Why put in all this effort if you’re not going to use the data to build a stronger campaign next time? This goes back to the KPIs, have the followers increase, how did your audience respond, and what have YOU learned? These things and many more are things to consider to run a successful campaign.

With these steps, you have a great foundation to start a influencer marketing campaign!
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