3 Tips for Startup Success
Julian Tiongson | December 26, 2016

Have you ever heard of a business that succeed over night? That rarely if not never happens. For a business to succeed beyond the startup phase, they must give it 110% effort. If you are looking to create a business part-time, you more than likely will not succeed.
So how can I help my startup boom? In a recent article by Entrepreneur, they share 3 simple yet effective startup tips for success that every marketplace owner can benefit from.
Pursue your dreams
Growing up we were taught to have dreams and aspirations in life but were too young to realize the work it actually takes to pursue it. As you mature and figure out your passions, some being to work in a big corporate office while others dream of owning their own business. For entrepreneur minded people, the motivation and drive must be on a different level. To be able to disregard that little voice inside you doubting and questioning every decision and see the bigger picture of it all.
I am not saying drop everything you are doing and pursue your dream but if you do decide to, have a detailed business plan. Creating a plan and keeping yourself accountable will keep you motivated to reach that next step. Having set goals and timelines will help you strive and make your dreams a reality.
“Without a plan, your big dream is just a daydream. With it, it becomes a reality.”
Know your priorities
When it comes to your startup, everything has a significance of importance but understanding what takes precedent over one another is key. Identifying your key priorities can help you stay organized and stay focused on the tasks that require the most attention.
One of the major reasons startups fail is because they fail to prioritize their budget. Knowing where to spend, how to spend, and when to spend. While there are many risk factors involved with money, having that understand of priorities will help distinguish just that. If you fail to prioritize, you fill find yourself scrambling trying to get everything done and not allocating the proper amount of time. While you want everything to be perfect as you check tasks off on your list, you will quickly find out that it simply is not possible. There will be tasks that you need to hand off and delegate to others which is why you need a strong support team.
Fail fast
The fear of failure is constantly in the back of your head and that little voice that just wants you to play it safe. So how do I beat that little voice? You simply take the risk. The sooner you fail, the faster you can recover. If you ask any entrepreneur they will tell you they have failed over and over. The adversity they face when reaching failure is what got them to where they are today. Now only does it challenge you mentally, but it helps you discover whether you can handle being an entrepreneur.
Not everyone is suited to become an entrepreneur nor are certain people born to be. If you are not a risk taker and are afraid to step out on the ledge, you most likely are not ready. Taking the chance and experimenting is all apart of the process. Some risk will work out, while others may not. Mistakes happen in all parts of your life and it simply is part of being human. The biggest take away from those mistakes are how you bounce back and learn from it.
“If you try, make a mistake and give up, you will never the be success you could have been.”
As you sit here contemplating your idea or startup, just keep in mind you will come across failure sooner or later. Don’t beat yourself up about failing but try and see the positives. Make improvements and strive to be greater the next time around. Experiences happen in life to challenge and bring out the best character in you.
If you are looking for more tips for startup success or looking to hear about successful ones, tune into The Crowd Podcast to hear from top influencers such as Jeremiah Owyang, Neal Gorenflo, Ted Rubin, and many more!
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