Blog: Email Marketing
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Workflow Wisdom: Your Guide To Managing SMS, Emails, & API Alerts
As with many business applications, the more thought you put into workflows from the beginning, the easier your job will be in the long run. Email, SMS, and API alert workflows automate key business processes, saving you time and energy.
March 23, 2017

Email Drip Campaigns: 5 Steps to Set Up and Execute
, email drip campaigns provide relevant content to subscribers based on actions you define. To accomplish this, you’ll need to map a series of emails that will “drip” into your subscribers’ inbox automatically....
March 21, 2017

How to Use Drip Campaigns to Grow Your Marketplace Platform
Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools for growing your marketplace platform. But how can you ensure that your best content is reaching your new subscribers? A drip campaign can be the the answer to this problem and it’s easier than you think!
March 14, 2017

How to Segment Your Email List for Better Engagement
Why do people like social media platforms so much? It’s because they’re able to decide who to follow, which in turn filters what they see. Their home feed becomes a curated stream of content that they want to engage with.
March 1, 2017

5 Email Strategies to Grow your Marketplace Platform
After you've chosen your email marketing service and started growing your list, it's time to think about what kind of email updates you can send your marketplace users.
February 21, 2017

4 Best Practices for Effective Email Marketing
Developing and executing an email marketing strategy is essential to the growth of your marketplace platform. After you've chosen your email marketing service provider, take some time to prep before you launch your first campaign.
February 14, 2017

3 Steps to a Winning Email Marketing Strategy
How often did you check your email today? Twice? Three times? 34% of Americans say they check their email constantly throughout the day. So it makes perfect sense to build your brand within your audience's inbox.
February 7, 2017

4 Email Marketing Services to Ignite Your Marketplace Platform
When it comes to marketing your product or service, delivering targeted content directly to a user's inbox is the most cost-effective and conversion-rich approach. It allows you to open a channel of trust and communication with your target audience.
January 31, 2017