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Ubernomics: Defy Traditional Economics and Accelerate Value Creation
Most of us are familiar with Uber, the on-demand ridesharing service that facilitates one million daily rides. But what is it about the company that’s made us so excited to forget about taxis? According to financial analyst Barbara Gray, Uber’s success grew out of its community-building marketplace structure.
October 24, 2016

How Can an Enterprise Build a Marketplace Around Projects?
In this 4 P’s Marketing Mix series, we will break down what it means to build a marketplace from both the enterprise and entrepreneur sides. This article is an extended version of the Project section as seen through the lens of an enterprise.
October 4, 2016

A Tip From LinkedIn - Create A Marketplace For The Gig Economy
Flexibility, freedom and no long-term commitments. No, I’m not talking about choosing a wireless provider. I’m talking about the gig economy and its ability to improve work-life balance. Many enterprise brands have realized the potential behind developing marketplaces to cater to this raising subset of workers -- the most recent of which is LinkedIn.
August 29, 2016

The Collaborative Economy Honeycomb is Growing
) has designed a thoughtful infographic to...
April 12, 2016

Paypal Is Bringing Another Layer To Their Infamous Payment Experience
) shared that the virtual payment godfather, PayPal, has announced their new service PayPal.Me. This will allow you to create a personalized link that you can share with anyone via text or email. This may seem similar to the app, VenMo, which has been widely popular among millennials and their...
September 7, 2015
The Fail Safe Way to Bring in New Customers
In a recent article on the AT&T Networking Exchange blog, Brian Solis (@briansolis) defines the new customer contract and how it applies to businesses in this generation. Nowadays, customers are more connected and informed than ever before. With information and data easily accessible, the customer journey has been redefined, giving customers the ability to access anything at any given time.
August 27, 2015
Is the Collaborative Economy for Brave Innovators?
Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang), Founder of Crowd Companies, published an article this week about large companies and their adoption of the collaborative economy. So, what are corporations doing in the collaborative economy?
July 23, 2015