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Sharing Economy Under Attack In UK
The sharing economy has suffered a huge blow as a UK Employment Tribunal has ruled that Uber drivers should be considered employees. This decision qualifies them for benefits, the national minimum wage, paid rest periods, and holiday pay. While this sounds nice, it presents a fundamental problem with the way government understands platform technology.
November 2, 2016

Wake Up Eugene! New Study Confirms the Benefits of Ride-Sharing
In a new study released by the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University researchers Li, Hong, and Zhang prove that ride-sharing is in fact reducing traffic congestion quite significantly.
October 27, 2016

Jettly Brings Air Travel to the Sharing Economy
Ever wanted to fly like a movie start or head of state? Now you can with Jettly, a startup that allows private pilots to fill empty seats on their flights and share expenses with public passengers.
October 12, 2016