
A Short Guide To Your Social Media ROI A Short Guide To Your Social Media ROI

A Short Guide To Your Social Media ROI

When it comes to Facebook, Instagram, or whichever platform you’re using, assessing your return on investment (ROI) is a crucial component in order to help your marketplace grow. Calculating your social media’s ROI is not as black and white as last month’s sales. The world of social...

June 6, 2017

9 Predictions for Analytics 9 Predictions for Analytics

9 Predictions for Analytics

Analytics is the collection and interpretation of data patterns, which includes the use of computer programming, operations research and statistics. Organizations generally use analytics to quantify, predict and improve business performance, with specific areas of study that include the following:

May 26, 2017

How to Utilize Your Marketplace Analytics How to Utilize Your Marketplace Analytics

How to Utilize Your Marketplace Analytics

The modern analytics package is quite robust, with more possibilities available than any one company can or should try to utilize at once. Aggregating big data is only the first step of the process. Let's take a look at some of the questions you should ask yourself to optimize your results.

May 24, 2017

How Analytics Can Improve Your Marketing Strategy How Analytics Can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

How Analytics Can Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing in its essence is to foster creativity but in the more recent years it’s also playing the numbers game. Where are our leads coming from? What’s our CTR? Are people coming back for more and how do we do?

May 23, 2017

5 Social Media Analytics You Should Be Tracking 5 Social Media Analytics You Should Be Tracking

5 Social Media Analytics You Should Be Tracking

Numbers are the driving force behind many things, especially your social media presence. Analytics is one of the driving force to establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. So what exactly should I be looking for?

May 22, 2017