Blog: Millennials
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Exploring PaaS for Dynamic Online Ventures: Mid-Course Status Update
Halfway through the "Exploring PaaS for Dynamic Online Ventures" course, students have gained practical experience on platformOS. Next up: sessions on developer documentation, DocsKit, sustainability and accessibility, QA, and marketing for real-world impact.
November 11, 2024

Introducing "Exploring PaaS for Dynamic Online Ventures" - A Transformative Course at the University of Szeged
In collaboration with the University of Szeged and supported by origin/develop, we are launching an innovative course to equip students with hands-on experience in modular PaaS solutions. Through this course, students will master the deployment of enterprise-grade apps on platformOS, while gaining valuable skills in UX design, development, documentation, QA, and digital marketing.
September 19, 2024

Is Your Marketplace Answering the Millennial Question?
Millennials have become the largest generation in America, thriving on instant gratification, social media and smartphones. Your marketplace, whether employing them or serving them, must understand the psychological tendencies of millennials in order to succeed.
December 29, 2016